Thursday, October 02, 2008

'Expelled' wins lawsuit over 'Imagine' song

Again the Expelled travesty gets some publicity, although the producers have won against an misconceived challenge to copyright infringement.  They still have to answer the inaccuracies and misquotes in the body of the documentary and the plain false claims about Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection bringing about the NAZI's Eugenics Movement which had been established in the UK and the US prior to German participation.  Further, it was established by Christians as the NAZI's were.   Of course there were notable exceptions thank goodness.

Such lies coming for self proclaimed Christians is breaking the Law, Thou Shall Not Bare False Witness.  One Law conveniently ignored by those same publishers of the "Expelled"  movie.

Accepting the Truth from Science and Religion is essential to all and sundry of this world, and falsely claiming Science is wrong when the evidence points to the truth of Science will make all who make such claims seem ignorant and make the rest of us seem intelligent.

Understanding the errors in the Scriptures and the Truth of Science and Scripture is a major study by us all.

'Expelled' wins lawsuit over 'Imagine' song

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